Early Life
Hernan Cortes was born and grew up in Medelin, proividence
of Extremadura in the kingdom of castile in Spain. He lived with his father Martin Cortes de Manroy and his mother
Catalina Pizarro Altamirano. His second cousin was Francisco Pizarro who conquered the Inca empire.His friend described
Cortes as a sickly child. Cortes was going to go to a military expedition to Italy but because he was ill, he could not go.His
parents described hem as restless, haughty, and mischevious when he was 16 years old. Plans were made in 1502 for cortes's
adventure to the new world. He only made it to the new world in 1503 though. He went to the new world because of gold fever.
The Journey
On his way to the new world, he met many tribes.Many tribes were
on cortes's side. Some people wanted the Aztec civilization to fall, some didn't. Some of the tribes helped Cortes
out. They walked 33 miles together, some falling and never rising. Finally, November the 8th of 1519, Cortes led his troops
to Tenochtitlan. There the Aztec people gave him gold, gifts and women to make tortillas. They wanted Cortes to take the gold
given to him and leave. Cortes refused. In the women that were given to him, he found one who could speak the Aztec language.
Her name was Mali Nali. He used her as a translator and she became a traitor. The Aztecs hated Mali Nali because
now she was helping Cortes destroy the Aztec Civilization.Then Cortes saw the city of dreams. He saw Tenochtitlan. To
the spanish this was a city of dreams. It was full of gold. That is were Moctezuma I and Cortes met. They met at the
entrance of the capital city of Tenochtitlan. Moctezuma I let Cortes in his beautiful city because he thought he was the god
coming back to take control again. Seven years after Cortes took control over the land, he left and went back to Spain.